Ann McKitrick Texas Child Care Training Courses Babies Laughing

Well That’s Funny

Just like everything else when it comes to children, humor is developmental and amazingly enough, it starts really early in life. Babies laugh before they talk, which makes laughter one of the earliest hints on how they are experiencing the world.  What’s funny to children changes with time, as their cognitive or intellectual development increases and that […]

Ann McKitrick Child Care Training Frustration

Are Your Kids Easily Frustrated?

Resilience, persistence and patience. These are characteristics we want children to develop so they’ll be able to manage the challenges of life. Seems kinda crazy but guess what, there are things you can do today to help children when they’re in third grade trying to figure out long division and playground politics. But how do […]

Ann McKitrick Toddler Tantrums & Meltdowns

How To Manage Meltdowns

Is your child at that tantrum age? How do you feel when they’re in the thick of one? Bewildered, impatient, overwhelmed, helpless? Or perhaps ready to throw in the towel on this whole parenting thing. Tantrums are a completely normal part of childhood, but with a little insight into what your toddler is thinking, perhaps […]

About those tantrums…

You’re a teacher in the 3-yr-old class and it’s time to go outside to play. You give a 5-minute warning and after cleaning up together, you sing a transition song to direct children to cubbies to put on their coats for the playground. One little boy is having trouble getting his coat on but insists […]