Teaching Gratitude to Young Children

When I was in college I worked in a wonderful little on-campus infant/toddler child care center. So many years later, I still recall this incident… A dad walked into the school and was just turning the doorknob on the half-door of the classroom when he observed his 2-year old daughter hit another child. His reaction was […]

Adding Humor to Your Classroom

Adding Humor to Your Classroom

When I was a teacher in the infant classroom in a college demonstration preschool, there were moments every now and again when all eight babies in our class cried at the same time. Now you know what happens when you hear ONE baby cry – those beautifully designed cringes/impulses to do anything you can to make […]

Connecting with Each Kid in Your Class

Connecting with Each Kid in Your Class

As we begin a new school year, I know things are CRA-ZY! But don’t let the busyness of setting up your classroom and getting into new routines keep you from the most important part of your job…connecting with kids. The Student-Teacher Relationship is Powerful Children naturally attach with the adults in their lives. As one […]

Killing creativity

6 Things That Kill Kids’ Creativity

Creativity Builds Brains As teachers of young children, we know that encouraging creativity is a huge part of our job. But did you know that creativity is more than just about having fun? The process of creating something from our own imagination enhances brain development and is important for: Cognitive skills Emotional development Building imagination Communication Physical development […]

summertime activities for child care

Do you have worms?

One of my most vivid memories as a young teacher was the kids’ fascination with worms. On our playground, which was mostly dirt with a little grass and some trees, there were tree stumps about two feet tall that children would sit on and pound with hammers. Every day they would ask us to tip […]

avoid field trip disasters

5 Field Trip Disasters (and how to avoid them!)

Losing Track of A Child Everyone’s biggest fear. There are two things you can do to avoid this. First is COUNT. Count with name/face recognition before you leave the school, once you get in the vehicle and as you exit the vehicle (2 different people should do this). Then at your destination, count children every […]

Guiding kids in childcare

What am I Supposed to Do?

In some places, it’s easy to know what to do. One example is at the airport, where you are guided from the moment you walk in the door. Signs point the way to security and ropes define the lines for regular travelers and those with TSA passes. Signs continue to guide you through the process […]

Early childhood teachers

Top 10 Reasons It’s Great to be an Early Childhood Teacher

Early childhood teachers get to laugh daily, collaborate with great professionals, play with kids and watch their faces light up as they learn through activities that you’ve planned and created.  Here’s a fun list of the top 10 reasons you have a great job… 10.  “Dressing for Success” means hair in a ponytail, comfy shoes and […]


Leadership… it takes grit.

Grit… it’s a buzz word out there in the early childhood world. How can we help children with resilience and determination in the face of obstacles they tackle each day?  Better yet, how can teachers and directors stay strong and positive as they tackle the challenges that are bound to come your way?  Here’s an […]

The Power of Mirror Play

  Do you work in the baby room? If so, you are one of the lucky ones! Watching babies unfold and become aware of the world around them is so fun! In the first twelve months of life, children grow and learn exponentially faster than any other time in their life. A big developmental task in […]