Developing a Leadership Vision as Child Care Director

Creating a vision of what you want you childcare center to look like is the first thing you should do when you take over a leadership position. Even if you work for a company that already has a vision for itself, you can take that vision and make it your own by bringing your own personal philosophy and priorities.

Define Priorities

Start by deciding which of the following defines your main priority for your childcare center?

  • To provide a service for parents while they work?
  • To give kids a head start and be ready for academic success?
  • To enhance children’s self-concept and social skills?
  • To give children a childhood full of play, adventure and investigation?
  • To create a community where children and adults experience a sense of connection and a desire to make the world a better place?

Your response to these statements will show you where your priorities lie and help you understand better what to focus your vision on.

Being Self Aware

Being self-aware and understanding your strengths and weaknesses are also something you should take the time to understand. The way you lead can impact the success or failure of your vision.

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