Every day we see to the education and well-being of children. The most important thing we do is keep children safe and secure. This course will equip you to anticipate and plan for harmful or threatening situations and to ensure that your school/home setting is safe in every way.
You’ll learn to identify potential dangers, ways to handle hazardous materials, how to create an Emergency Preparedness Plan, how to conduct fire and lockdown drills and tips for minimizing fear among children as you practice emergency drills with them.
Included you’ll find a listening sheet for notes as you take the course, handouts and review questions throughout to insure understanding.
Texas Core Competency Practitioners: Area 8, Health, Safety and Nutrition
Texas Core Competency Administrators: Area 4, Maintaining a Healthy and Safe Environment
CDA Competency Standard 1, Functional Area 1
Course credit: 2 hours